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Healing With Creativity

Something wonderful can happen when we take time to work with our creativity. I had a conversation recently with another therapist and came to the conclusion that adult life can starve out creativity.

This got me thinking about how expressing our needs and creativity in a variety of ways is an amazing outlet for processing emotions and experiences.

When is the last time you did something totally creative and free-flowing? I am not talking about house projects or to-do list jobs. Painting a dining room is not the creative process I am discussing here.

What would it be like if you took time to draw, paint, or work with clay? To write a poem? Even a haiku? What if you purchased a bouquet of flowers from the grocery store and arranged them in a vase?

Some people will say “But I am not artistic!” That is not what I am talking about here.

There are no rule, no guidelines, and no expectations when we sit down and begin to express creativity.

And if you still want a framework -

We have some amazing spaces in Lexington to check out if you need some inspiration?

I love to tour the UK Art Museum, or events at the Living Arts and Science Center (I don’t care that it is geared toward kids. Their galleries are amazing!)

I know many healers and therapists who embrace the creative arts in their practice of psychology and therapy. Because it helps us connect with an inner part of ourselves and turn off the brain that wants to analyze everything. :-)

Today I just want you to consider how you might be able to connect with your expressive side?

Take some time today to write a poem, draw, paint, or whatever works for you.

I wanted to share with you one of my favorite poems read by the author.

I keep a print of this poem hung up in my office to remind me that I am part of this human family and when we connect with nature and our spirit we can make big moves forward.

Enjoy it. I hope it also can inspire a creative feeling for you today.




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Lexington, KY



©2024 by Dr. David Pascale Hague

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